These are the product groups used on surfaces exposed to low and medium corrosive environments in machinery industry and equipment, construction machinery and steel construction systems.
These are the product groups that provide flexibility and high corrosion resistance in industrial buildings, refineries, power plants and steel construction surfaces.
These are the product groups recommended in automotive and on-board equipment industry, where harsh atmospheric conditions prevail, and for surfaces where long-term colour permanence and brightness are required.
These are the product groups with high heat resistance in hot pipelines, furnaces, boilers, chimneys and steel construction systems.
These paints are manufactured as an alternative to solvent based paints in compliance with the European Union VOC standards (volatile organic compounds) and are safe paints against combustible, flammable fire risk. They are product groups that can be used on concrete, wood and similar surfaces as well as metal surfaces and are developed as an alternative for environmental and human health-friendly uses.
These are the product groups that allow obtaining a smooth film as a result of the proper transfer of dyes to the surface by using solvents.
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